Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tour de France

I'm loving these posters – a clear reference to the sleeve design for Tour de France by Kraftwerk.

Monday, June 25, 2007

New Ventures

After seven years spent in full-time employment in the digital media industry, I'm going freelance again. I actually did a short stint working for myself in 2002 when I first moved to London, though at the time I had very few contacts, and in those days people were, understandably, being rather cautious when it came to investing money online.

But things are different now, and everyone seems to be busy. I certainly have been. So I'm going it alone again. Only this time I'm taking on photography work in addition to the Flash, video and web work. Within a year I aim to have developed the photography side of things to a level that I can get by on that alone. But for the time being I'll be frequenting the digital agencies of London for short-to-medium term project work.

I've still got a few weeks to go at Dare, where I've been since September 2005. It's a company of extremely talented, dedicated and busy people, and so it's no surprise that it's grown as much as it has in the last 18 months. So a big thanks must go to everyone at Dare. The standard excessive after-work drinking session will be arranged soon.

There's much to do in the meantime, starting with updating my CV and portfolio.

If you want to get in touch, you can find me here on LinkedIn or at my website.

Antique French single bedframe for sale

I'm selling this:

View on eBay »

Saturday, June 16, 2007

New Minute

It’s been a while since I worked on the Minutes project. This is largely due to the failure of my compact camera, and my subsequent failure to replace it. I had been intent on investing in an HD camera but right now the budget doesn’t allow for one. So I replaced the defunct Canon Ixus 50 with a shiny new Ixus 75. And I must say that it’s a great little camera.

It arrived yesterday and, as I’m now living in a new flat with a decent view, I thought I'd point it out the window and capture one minute of the mostly unremarkable goings on in the street below.

If you have a spare minute you can watch it here.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Information Overload

No more Web 2.0 / social networking / community websites please. It's getting silly now. And besides, my toolbar is full.

Let's get back to monolithic, static Flash websites with long intros, pale grey pixel fonts made with GIFs, on a slightly paler grey background. And title bars [ :::::::::: that l00k l1ke th1s :::::::::: ]

Those were the days...

Monday, June 04, 2007

New London 2012 Brand

Oh dear. This is absolutely awful. And this video just makes things worse.

According to their news site: “The new Olympic emblem is based on the number 2012 - the year the Games take place and includes the Olympic Rings and the word London.”.

Yeah, we got that much. Now what's the rationale behind the mess you made out of it all ?

some nice pictures

I know, I've not written a blog post for ages. I've been really busy. I'm not going to write one now either. Here's a cool link though: